It’s an obvious fact of life that we Christians live
in “the world”. That is, we live in the world as opposed to our true home,
eternity in Heaven with God. And so as we live in the world, there are a myriad
of different people, ideas and ideologies, cultures and moral codes. Or, as
modern secularists (or even some ill-educated Christians, unfortunately) might
put it, “there are many different ‘truths’ to be had.” We as Catholic
Christians know better than that, of course. We know that truth cannot be
subjective. By the very definition of the word “truth”, the act of calling any
one truth subjective is a contradiction of epic proportions. A truth,
especially THE Truth, is indeed objective. So if truth is objective, then the
number of years, centuries, millennia, etc. that go by should have no bearing whatsoever
on that truth. That makes sense right? So why is it that so often I constantly
have to hear friends, co-workers and others tell me that such-and-such person
is too “old school” in his thinking? That the bishops in the Catholic Church
are behind the times? As if simply the passage of time itself is what
determines if something is true or not? If I’m getting tired of it, then I know
many of you are too.
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What Is Truth? Christ Before Pilate- Nikolai Ge |
Now of course, I’m not talking about every instance of
the phrase “old school”. My favorite baseball and basketball teams sometimes
wear old school, throwback jerseys. Or some video game or TV show I used to
enjoy that makes a comeback in our nostalgic culture can employ a positive
connotation for the old school saying.
What I object to, and find grating, is how ideas such as chastity, temperance, sacrifice, prudence and the like can be dismissed out of hand by so many by negatively referring to these things as “old school”. As if by speaking those two words, the definitions and meaning behind those ideas and virtues become null and void, are not open for discussion, and are to be looked upon as archaic; as things that modern men and women would never dream of doing.
What I object to, and find grating, is how ideas such as chastity, temperance, sacrifice, prudence and the like can be dismissed out of hand by so many by negatively referring to these things as “old school”. As if by speaking those two words, the definitions and meaning behind those ideas and virtues become null and void, are not open for discussion, and are to be looked upon as archaic; as things that modern men and women would never dream of doing.
This happens to me often at work, where for instance I
hear how a co-worker’s daughter is going out with a boy whose family is “old
school” in that they don’t want the two cohabitating before marriage. Or when I
was in high school, I had one of my good friends tell me that since I preferred
to wait until marriage to have sex, I shouldn’t get my hopes up for finding a
girl with similar values. They just don’t do that anymore, he said. “Anymore”
implying that, perhaps, at one time people found it moral to abstain from sex
before marriage, but such a thing just doesn’t happen anymore… that truth has
Let’s keep in mind that human perception on things can
change. For example, in the Classical era, right up until the 16th
century, geocentrism (the belief that the sun and stars orbited the Earth) was
considered to be true. However, once science evolved, and our instruments to
chart the stars became better, it was obvious that heliocentrism (the Earth
orbits the sun) was true. While the passage of time led to the knowing of this
truth, it was greater scrutiny into the validity of these two theories that
made the actual, objective truth come to light. Can the same be said of the
metaphysical, such as the moral virtues of prudence and temperance? Has there really
been greater scrutiny? Where has the theological truth that temperance should
be used when deciding to abstain from sexual relations before marriage, for
instance, been proven wrong? Nowhere, I submit. All we have seen since the Sexual
Revolution of the 1960’s are broken homes and families, fatherless children,
and an increase in promiscuity, which has led to sex (and men and women also) being
objectified as a recreational activity and a mere plaything to be molded to the
whims of each person, therefore degrading the beauty of the marital act and
degrading the inherent dignity of the man and woman themselves as human
So how do we as Catholic Christians respond to the
charge that we are “old school”? First, I’d say we should embrace it. If
someone uses the phrase in a negative connotation, know that it must mean you
are living such a good witness for Christ and His Church, that people have
taken notice. While they are mocking you or others, they’ve also taken notice
that you’re “weirdness” doesn’t conform to the ever-changing standards of “the
world”. Look what the authors of the New Testament have to say on the matter.
Truly prophetic words applicable to our times. St. Peter says this in his
second letter, emphasis mine:
“Note this first of all: in the last days, mocking, sneering men who are ruled by their passions will arrive on the scene. They will ask: “Where is that promised coming of his? Our forefathers have been laid to rest, but everything stays just as it was when the world was created.
“But do not ignore this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. The Lord is not slow about his promise, as some think of slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish, but all to come to repentance.
“Therefore, beloved, while you are waiting for these things, strive to be found by him at peace, without spot or blemish; and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation.” (2 Pt. 3-4, 8-9, 14-15)
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St. Peter Preaching- Masolino da Panicale |
“I feel obliged to write and encourage you to fight hard for the faith delivered once for all to the saints. Certain individuals have recently wormed their way into your midst, godless types, long ago destined for the condemnation I shall describe. They pervert the gracious gift of our God to sexual excess and deny Jesus Christ, our only master and Lord.
“I wish to remind you of certain things, even though you may already be very well aware of them. The Lord, who once for all saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not keep their own position, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains in deepest darkness for the judgment of the great day. Likewise, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Yet in the same way these dreamers also defile the flesh, reject authority, and slander the glorious ones.
“Remember, beloved, all of you, the prophetic words of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; how they kept telling you, “In the last days there will be impostors living by their godless passions.” These sensualists, devoid of the Spirit, are causing divisions among you.
“But you, beloved, grow strong in your holy faith through prayer in the Holy Spirit. Persevere in God’s love, and welcome the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ which leads to life eternal. Correct those who are confused; the others you must rescue, snatching them from the fire... There is One who can protect you from a fall and make you stand unblemished and exultant in the presence of his glory. Glory be to this only God our savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Jude 1: 3-8, 17-25)
St. Jude is exhorting us to stick with the truth set
forth by Christ and His Church. Already, we see in recent years some Christians
telling us that the way people have been interpreting the books of the Bible
for centuries is wrong. These people are causing major divisions amongst us
Christians, as St. Jude warns us. We even see division in the Catholic Church
itself at times, with modernism trying to creep in wherever it can. But we know
that the teachings the Catholic Church has passed down from apostolic times is
correct; those truths on sexual morality, respecting life in all its stages,
the divinity of Christ and so on cannot be changed. Otherwise, if they could be
changed, then Christ himself was a liar when He told us that the gates of hell
would never prevail against the Church! Fortunately, we know that since Christ
is the Truth, the Way, and the Life… He cannot lie.
Finally, let’s look at the words of St. Cyprian of Carthage, a bishop and Church father who lived in the third century, from his sermon on man’s mortality:
Finally, let’s look at the words of St. Cyprian of Carthage, a bishop and Church father who lived in the third century, from his sermon on man’s mortality:
“Our obligation is to do God’s will, and not our own. We must remember this if the prayer that our Lord commanded us to say daily is to have any meaning on our lips. How unreasonable it is to pray that God’s will be done, and then not promptly obey it when he calls us from this world! Instead we struggle and resist like self-willed slaves and are brought into the Lord’s presence with sorrow and lamentation, not freely consenting to our departure, but constrained by necessity. And yet we expect to be rewarded with heavenly honors by him to whom we come against our will! Why then do we pray for the kingdom of heaven to come if this earthly bondage pleases us? What is the point of praying so often for its early arrival if we would rather serve the devil here than reign with Christ? The world hates Christians, so why give your love to it instead of following Christ, who loves you and has redeemed you?
“…We ought never to forget, beloved, that we have renounced the world. We are living here now as aliens and only for a time. When the day of our homecoming puts an end to our exile, frees us from the bonds of the world, and restores us to paradise and to a kingdom, we should welcome it. What man, stationed in a foreign land, would not want to return to his own country as soon as possible? Well, we look upon paradise as our country, and a great crowd of our loved ones awaits us there, a countless throng of parents, brothers and children longs for us to join them. Assured though they are of their own salvation, they are still concerned about ours. What joy both for them and for us to see one another and embrace! O the delight of that heavenly kingdom where there is no fear of death! O the supreme and endless bliss of everlasting life!
“There, is the glorious band of apostles, there the exultant assembly of prophets, there the innumerable host of martyrs, crowned for their glorious victory in combat and in death. There in triumph are the virgins who subdued their passions by the strength of continence. There the merciful are rewarded, those who fulfilled the demands of justice by providing for the poor. In obedience to the Lord’s command, they turned their earthly patrimony into heavenly treasure.”
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St. Cyprian- Meister von Meßkirch |
Look at what St. Cyprian said, “The world hates Christians.” Why do they hate Christians? Because they hate Christ and His teachings. You could say that some love a Christ of their own imaginations; a “buddy Christ” who they can take out for a beer, and not worry about being condemned for sins by a Christ that is true and real. A Christ that is both a Just Judge and a Merciful Savior. That Christ, a Judge and Savior, doesn’t appeal to the world. Why? Because Christ can’t offer anything to anyone who is so stuck in their own earthly pleasures that they’d rather follow their own whims than the One who was true God and true man. So if for denying the world and its pleasures (and instead you whole-heartedly follow Christ) you get mocked and chided for abstaining from sex, not supporting abortion or euthanasia, refraining from contraceptives, actually going to a house of worship to be with God on a Sunday, standing up against the redefinition of marriage, trusting in the teaching authority of the Catholic Church, or for even just believing in God… just remember you’re in good company with the saints. They were old school too. The truth is worth standing up for.
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