Thursday, February 11, 2016

Musings on Lent

It's that time of year again, where we give up things, fast, abstain, give... so many different things happen during Lent. This year I've spent a good amount of time learning more about why we do all these things, and why we sacrifice so many things, which led me to learn more about redemptive suffering. This is something I've done for a while now, without fully understanding it, and it's good to get clarity on something that saints like Padre Pio spoke very highly of.

So I suppose for Lent this year I'll be giving up a few things. Mainly beer. I've never given this up before, but only in the past few years have I gotten more into the whole craft beer thing. fast food also tops the list. But most importantly, more prayer. I need to get better with the Liturgy of Hours and perhaps read more of the Conversations with God set that we have at home. I also look forward to attending more liturgies at the Byzantine Catholic parish near me as well. I'm interested to see how Holy Week and their All Souls' Saturdays works, as I haven't really gotten to attend these liturgies before this year. Hopefully this will be an exciting and fruitful Lent, and I pray the same for you all!

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